June 29, 2011

Karma Must Own Me.

My recent attempts at trying to reconcile with karma took a major step back this week. While gardening on Friday I killed an albino earwig. Apparently they are sacred. This beast was too special for the standard Sevin dust treatment. Hand-to-hand combat, man versus nature, his pinchers versus my hand shovel . . . only one of us was to walk away from this battle.

On Sunday, while putting the cover on my boat, one of the bungees came loose and hit me in both eyes. Forty minutes from town and with no cell service, I drove the truck and had a friend drive me to the E.R.

Lesson learned. Leave the albino earwigs alone. Kill all the brown ones you want. Kind of like buffalo.

The reason we all live in Wisconsin is upon us. Mosquitoes be damned. It is time to hang outside for the next ten weekends of glorious festivals, parades, and what we consider HOT weather. Boating, camping, beers, and brats. And Earwigs.


Jodie from Wisconsin who made the cheese. said...

I'll be looking out for those albino earwigs. I didn't know they existed.

Anonymous said...

I had a recent run-in with an evil earwig. It flew in my ear last night at the Loggers game. As it quickly crawled inside my head to vacation in my brain, I feverishly shook my head and kicked my opposite leg (a trick my mother taught me to rid water from my ears). When this didn’t resolve with the bug’s departure, I plugged my nose and forced an exhale through my ears (this was suggested by an onlooker). To add to the spectacle, a friend dug her pinky into my ear to remove the brain eating beast. After a few minutes of public ear cleaning, I gave up. Maybe the drumming of its wings in my ear canal was something I could live with until it died inside my skull? Perhaps if it did survive and lay eggs in my head, I could make a sweet viral YouTube video capturing the moment the baby earwigs flew out after they were born? After several minutes, it found its way to freedom.

Val Ewing said...

Great blog, thank you for your wonderful ramblings and insights.